Sermons on Thankfulness (Page 2)

Praying like Daniel

DANIEL 9:1-23 Spending time in God’s word motivated Daniel to pray (v.1-3). Why is it so important for us to let God’s word motivate us to pray? What are you going to do today and this week to let that happen for you? Daniel prayed with praise and confession (v.4-11a). Why is it so important…

A Barren Source of Faithful Praise

I SAMUEL 2:1-11 The one praising God after years of being childless is again barren (1:24-28). What does her amazing gift say about Hannah’s heart? To what extent are we willing to give our children to God? Hannah sings a song to glorify God above all else (2:1-5a). What does Hannah’s praise at that time…

Praising Our Way out of Complaining

Psalm 95:1-11 Complaining will harden your heart if you let it (v.7b-9). What did the Israelites do at Meribah and Massah (Exodus 17:1-7)? What happens to the heart of a complainer? How long was God bothered by their complaining? (Hebrews 3:7-11) Complainers allow their hearts to go astray (v.10). If you really know the ways…