Sermons on Building (Page 2)

The Assignment That Brings Hope to Our World

MATTHEW 28:19-20 When Jesus declared His ultimate authority, He gave one assignment (28:18-20). How does making disciples differ from calling people to salvation? Why does baptism come after the making of a disciple? What all is involved in making people to be disciples? The nature of the assignment is immense and clear (Luke 6:40). How…

The Hope for Our World

EPHESIANS 4:11-16 The hope for our world is the equipped body Christ (v.11-12). What can I do to become better equipped for the work of ministry? How am I strengthening and building up the body of Christ? The hope for our world is the united and mature body of Christ (v.13). Why does equipping the…

From the Substance of Hope

COLOSSIANS 1:3-8 We give thanks for the faith that grows from hope (1:3-5a). What is the event that defines hope and produces faith? (Titus 2:13) What can we do so that our hope will better produce true faith? We give thanks for the love that grows from hope (1:3-5a). How can our ‘desired expectation’ lead…

“There Is No God like You!”

2 CHRONICLES 6 Solomon had good reason to cry out, “There is no God like You” (v.1-2). What had just happened before Solomon mentioned the dark cloud? (5:7, 13-14) What amazing events in your life have moved you to praise God? Solomon was serious about leading the people in praise (v.12-13). Why is it important…

We Are Building a Temple for the Lord

I CHRONICLES 29 David was preparing so that the next generation could build the temple (v.1-5). Why would David want to give over $34 B in gold for the temple? What are we doing to help the next generation build God’s house? David’s devotion motivated others to provide even more for the temple (v.6-9). How…