The Word Brings Rest


  1. In its context, the purpose of the word is to bring rest (v.8-13).
    • What is the ‘For’ there for?
    • How did our Creator carefully design rest into the creation (Genesis 1:31-2:2)?
  2. The word overcomes self-condemning hearts that rob us of rest (I John 3:20).
    • What assurance does the word offer us in this verse?
    • What other assurance can we find in the same letter (I John 1:7, 9; 5:13)?
  3. The word captivates the thoughts that rob us of peace (II Corinthians 10:4-5).
    • What strongholds in your mind need to be overcome?
    • What rest is available when pride and jealousy are taken away (I Corinthians 10:12-13; Romans 13:13-14)?
  4. The word reveals how to overcome rest-robbing worry (John 16:33).
    • How should Christians respond in troubled times (John 16:33)?
    • How does the word help us overcome worries (Matthew 6:34, 33)?
  5. The word can help us rise above the actions of mere men (I Corinthians 3:3).
    • How can the word of God help us overcome jealousy and quarreling?
    • What would happen to most quarrels if we overcame pride and jealousy?

Call to Action: To allow the word of God to bring godly rest to our lives.


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