"willing" Tagged Sermons

The Hope of the World

MATTHEW 27:50-28:11 Our Savior willingly laid down His life to set us free (27:50-54). How does this passage confirm the promise of John 10:17-18? How did God clearly announce the sufficient sacrifice of Jesus? Loving women who needed hope, witnessed His death and burial (27:55-61). How painful would this have been for those who loved…

A Barren Source of Faithful Praise

I SAMUEL 2:1-11 The one praising God after years of being childless is again barren (1:24-28). What does her amazing gift say about Hannah’s heart? To what extent are we willing to give our children to God? Hannah sings a song to glorify God above all else (2:1-5a). What does Hannah’s praise at that time…

Choosing to Believe in Jesus

JOHN 12:37-46 As prophesied, many Jews chose not to believe in Jesus (v.37-40). How does ‘would not believe’ differ from ‘could not believe?’ What factors would lead to the choice of not believing in Christ? The prophets clearly declared a rejected Messiah (v.38; Isaiah 53:1). How does the context of Isaiah clearly declare Jesus as…